DTPA Radpharm

DTPA 1990/1

Radpharm DTPA consists or sterile. pyrogen free,Jtapnmsed ingredients which need reconstitution with SOdium Pertecnnetate t"Tc) lfltCClion to produce a tectinetlum [IIIITl-rc) pentetate complex suital>te for renal imaging.
The precise structure of the technetium ("-le) pentetate compleK Is not known at tnls time.
Technetium j-.,.c] pentetate Is a diagnostic pharmaceutical administered by intravenous Injection.


DTPA Radpharm Is supplied as a carton of 5 sterile, pyrogen free. vacuum
sealed Multi-dose 8 ml vials.

Each vial contains 5 mg pentetic acid and 1 mg stannous chloride anhydrous as a lyophilised powder.

The product contains no preservatives.



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