TLC Scanner


TLC-204 is an high performance TLC scanner for rapid and accurate determination of radiochemical purity using thin layer chromatography.


Bidirectional scanning automatically compensates for any isotope decay during scanning. The BGO detector provides high stopping power for single photon isotopes such as Tc99m.

For PET use an alternative plastic scintillator is only sensitive to positrons, eliminating background due to other radio-active sources in the lab. Gina software provides real time feedback as the chromatogram builds up and powerful data analysis features.

The system can be delivered with different detector heads and collimators to ensure the best possible detection in function of the isotope you want to measure.

For gamma-nuclides, we deliver a scintillation probe with a BGO crystal. Due to its density, BGO has quite high stopping power for radiation and a reasonable energy resolution. BGO is mechanically quite stable and non-hydroscopic. Relative small size and special shape crystal enable a very good sensitivity / resolution ratio.

For PET nuclides we deliver detector with a plastic scintillation probe. As it is not sensitive to gamma radiation it will only detect the positrons and have a very low background.

TLC-204 scanner offers a calibration and sensitivity check. Inserting a suitable reference standard and running the calibration program will result in an energy spectrum scan and calibration.

The chromatogram is displayed live on the screen of the connected PC. Peak integration and evaluation can be performed manually or automatically.


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